For over three generations, Art has been an integral part of my family-as the third generation of Artists, it is my heritage and life journey. The tradition began with my late Grandfather, Leo Poblano. A true talent, he was one of the earliest Zuni Fetish Carvers. Coming from a long line of family jewelers and carvers, my Mother Veronica Poblano and both my brother Dylan and I have dedicated our lives to our art.

I started my art in beading at the age of 16 and for the past 15 years, I started my hand at carving. For over 30 years, I have dedicated my life to my craft and strive to remain true to my artistic vision. 

I currently live in Zuni with my family and a mother to my two sons, Frankie and Leo, who have started their paths to being the fourth-generation of artists.

I thank you for your interest and support of my art, Elahkwah.
-Jovanna Poblano